Industrial Roofing CPD Training

For Building Surveyors & Facilities Managers

Are you a building surveyor, facilities manager or professional specifier involved in industrial roofing refurbishment projects?

If so, our industrial roofing CPD sessions are designed just for you.

Other roof coating manufacturers might provide CPD sessions, but only Liquasil’s CPD sessions are designed and presented by professional building surveyors.

Our CPD sessions are easy to follow and the information provided can be used daily, on the job, because Liquasil understands the role of the professional specifier like no other roof coatings manufacturer.

Current CPD sessions include Asbestos Roofing | Metal Roofing | Cut Edge Corrosion

Free CPD For  Building Surveyors

Call 0121 709 5352 to arrange your free industrial roofing CPD session.
Liquasil’s industrial roofing CPD training sessions are designed and delivered by building surveyors from a dilapidations perspective.

The sessions discuss the condition of industrial roofs, commopn defects and remedies available to professional specifiers.

Our recommendations for repair or replacement would be the same as if we owned the building ourselves – and our CPD training reflects this.

Forget sales pitch oriented CPD sessions. All of our sessions have been designed by our building surveying team at Commercial Property Surveys Ltd to be informative and unbiased.

What’s more, if you’re involved with industrial roofing inspections, you’ll use the information presented in your daily work – guaranteed!

Metal Roof Defects CPD

Learn the truth about metal roofing and cut edge corrosion from building surveyors with more than 40 years experience of industrial roofing.

Metal roofing & cut edge corrosion CPD sessions, condensed into an easy to follow programme lasting an hour. Topics include:

  • Common metal roof defects (including cut edge corrosion)
  • Rooflight defects
  • When coatings are & aren’t appropriate for metal roofs
  • Considerations when specifying coatings
  • BBA and what to look out for
  • New roofs and overcladding options
  • Warranties

Asbestos Roofing CPD Training

In a single 1 hour session comprising a very engaging and entertaining presentation, delivered by one of our building surveyors, you will learn about:

  • The Asbestos Roofing Market (and what it means for you)
  • Inspection & Fault Diagnosis
  • Repair Options
  • Health & Safety Best Practice
  • Roof Cleaning Methods
  • Economical Waste Water Filtration
  • Coatings Technologies
  • Due Diligence When Selecting An Installer
  • Specification & Costing
  • Warranties

Hybrid Defects CPD Webinar

Completely focused on defects identification and remedy, this CPD Webinar combines content from our asbestos roofing, metal roofing & cut edge corrosion CPD sessions, condensed into an easy to follow programme lasting an hour. Topics include:

  • Asbestos roof defects Metal roof defects (including cut edge corrosion)
  • Rooflights
  • Asbestos roofs that are beyond repair
  • Metal roofs that are beyond repair
  • Considerations when specifying coatings
  • Warranties


"*" indicates required fields

Where would you like us to present your CPD?*
Which CPD would you like us to present?*

Cut Edge Corrosion & Metal Roofing CPD Training

Our cut edge corrosion and metal roofing CPD examines the issues commonly encountered by building surveyors and takes a look at the subject from a different perspective than you might be used to.

Attendees will learn:

  • Common Metal Roofing Issues
  • Metal Roof Inspection & Fault Diagnosis
  • Cut Edge Corrosion
  • How To Inspect Existing Cut Edge Corrosion Systems
  • How To Successfully Treat Cut Edge Corrosion
  • Metal Roof Cleaning & Surface Preparation Methods
  • Coatings Technologies
  • Due Diligence When Selecting An Installer
  • Coating and Treatment Specification & Costing

Many dilapidations surveyors have commented that their knowledge of cut edge corrosion was significantly improved after attending this session.

If you’ve sat through countless, uninspiring CPD training sessions that are not relevant to the work you do as a surveyor, facilities manager, architect or asset manager, our industrial roofing CPD training will be like a breath of fresh air.

This Accredited CPD course is available anywhere in the UK, for Chartered Building Surveying, Architect practices, Investment or Asset Managers with more than 5 attendees.

As you might expect, we provide a buffet lunch delivered to your premises for lunch time sessions, or for evening sessions, we can do the follow-up question and answer session in a local pub or hotel, where we provide the refreshments.

Following our asbestos or metal roofing CPD training session, each attendee receives an Approved CPD certificate complete with additional learning suggestions.

We also supply at least one hour of useful, additional learning material in electronic format that can be used in your day to day duties.

Rooftop CPD

Learning by Power Point is one thing, but what if there was a way of combining learning with your on-site work?

Now there is!

If you are specifying Liquasil products as part of a refurbishment project, one of our own building surveyors will attend with you and demonstrate the defects you should be looking for.

This will help avoid those awkward and ever more common situations where you specify a product, only to be told that the substrate isn’t suitable.

Our building surveyors will explain what can and can’t be coated and will show you the other things that your should consider in addition to coating.

There’s nothing like being shown on the job.

For obvious reasons, we can only attend sites on this basis if you are specifying Liquasil products on live projects and where safe access is available.

If you are looking for meaningful, industrial roofing CPD training that provides knowledge you can use immediately, please call us on 0121 709 5352.

We travel nationwide to conduct our courses and will be happy to arrange sessions outside of working hours for formal groups and CPD Foundations.

Our CPD sessions have been attended in person or online by more than a thousand property professionals, including building surveyors, architects, facilities managers and aset managers. 

Why not join them and increase your knowledge of industrial and commercial roofing issues? 

Just call 0121 709 5352.